A blog about mommihood, for mommies for whom mommihood did not come naturally.

Today's post(s) may contain graphic (some might say "intimate") descriptions of events (and anatomy), and may not be suitable for all readers. Some things, once known, cannot be un-known ;P
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New Readers: This blog is funniest (totally biased opinion) if read from earliest to most recent post - so start at the bottom! And please "follow" if you like it!
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
The Babymoon
There are many reasons to take a vacation when you're pregnant.
The first is that a vacation is good anytime....but you're more likely to get your way when you're pregnant, and when you can say "it's for the baby". If your Baby Daddy (husband, whatever...) tries to object, just complain about the physical symptoms you've been experiencing - first the nausea, the fatigue, the hormones, the back pain, and the physical toll growing a human is taking on you. Then, start to cry. Tell him you are concerned that the stress you've been under might in some way affect your fetus, so going away is really for the baby. And if he still says no, perhaps he should only ever be your Baby Daddy, and not someone you want to spend your life with, long-term. Same goes for if, when you manage to get away, he does not carry all of your bags and do everything for you. Oh, if you are not married, you can also use the tactic of threatening to give the baby your last name, not his. Just a suggestion ;) But seriously, I was starting to feel really heavy, and was body-sore at the end of each day. I'd been congested for the entire pregnancy. And I was getting fat. Going somewhere warm, if only for a few days, let me get rested and feel better, totally cleared up my congestion (that warm, humid air will do that for you), and how did it help the fatness? Well, any respectable Mommi should know that the quickest way to appear more toned and to minimize cellulite is to get a tan! (If you didn't know that, I'm surprised you enjoy my blog. But it's a good time you found me when you did - keep reading and I will attempt to dramatically improve your life.) Of course, I don't mean a REAL tan - at least not on your face - that would be unhealthy and could increase any melasma you might develop in your pregnancy :S I recommend getting an airbrushed tan before you leave, with an organic sugar-based solution, then wearing crazy sunscreen and a big hat the whole time you are away.
I'm using this as a second reason, but I suppose it relates to the first, in that it increases your overall sense of well-being: it's great to travel in the second trimester because, in the first you were too sick and tired, and in the third, you will once again be tired (but this time it will be because you are humongous) - and also, you're not supposed to fly that late in pregnancy, simply because planes take you too far away to get to your planned hospital, or wherever you plan to give birth, should you experience early labour. But in the second trimester, you should feel pretty good, and not be too fat. Granted, you will have quite a belly on you...but here is the thing: people expect you to have a belly - you're PREGNANT - and your belly will be hard and firm - it's impossible to get rolls! Seriously! You can sit anyway you like, without worrying, instead of making sure you are always leaning back on your elbows, so that belly fat rolls around to the back, and keeping your legs slightly bent, so that your thighs don't press against anything and look bigger. Actually, I take the last part back: I still recommend that legs slightly bent position - you're not carrying that baby in your thighs, afterall, are you? (Once again, if you did not know that that is the proper looking-good-in-a-bikini position, I am surprised you're still reading - but it's not too late! You can start practicing now.) And for many of us Mommis, the second trimester is one of the best boob times in your life. Work it.
A lot of the above, I have written tongue-in-cheek, but this part is actually important: I call a pregnancy vacation a Babymoon (I didn't invent the term, unfortunately), because it is one of the last opportunities you and the Daddi will have to spend quality time together, just the two of you, for quite some time. Once that baby gets there, life as you know it will be over. Second-timers like myself already know this, and yes, there are certainly ways to make sure you get a little grown-up time to yourselves post-baby...but getting away sure gets a heck of a lot trickier with a youngin' - or two - or more. It was hard being away from my little terrorist, so we only went for four days (also due to totally annoying factors like WORK COMMITMENTS and MONEY), and I had my mom get Avery on the phone for me several times, and text me daily updates so I'd know he was okay. But it was four days where the two of us could just relax, do whatever we wanted to (well, sort of: the area code rule does not exempt pregnant women from the usual restrictions like not drinking or smoking native herbs, I am sad to report), and really connect and enjoy one another's company. It was definitely good for our relationship, which will be a helpful boost when the baby comes, and our relationship is tested in terrible ways it has never been before. Veteran Mommis know what I'm talking about! Newbies...your day of reckoning is coming.
Our trip was great. We flew with WestJet out of Toronto, and stayed at the Iberostar Rose Hall Beach Report in Montego Bay, Jamaica. We chose Jamaica because of the climate at this time of year (Bahamas and Cuba would have been too iffy), the food and water safety (getting sick would be terrible - getting sick while pregnant would be worse, and dangerous to the fetus), and the decreased likelihood of getting murdered or having my baby cut out of my to be sold on the black market. Because I'm pregnant (and grandma-like), nightlife and excursions were not of great importance, while a great beach and pool area was. This resort really fit the bill.
Few notes:
*WestJet has more restrictions on flights to Montego Bay than any other route, for some reason. We had packed our things in just two carry-ons, hoping to avoid checking our luggage and potentially losing it (and wait times to claim it at the airport - we only had four days, afterall!), so had respected the rules about not taking liquids or aerosols of more than 100mL with us. We didn't bring sunscreen. Seems dumb, but this wasn't a stupid omission; it was a conscious decision - we would just buy some there. And we did...but we did not realize that the cheapest sunscreen available at the resort would cost $24 USD (or $1824, if you use crazy Jamaican currency)! And that was for some brand I had never heard of, and barely lasted us the trip - the usuals like Coppertone and stuff were upwards of $30. They also charged more for a higher SPF! And $8 for a bag of Cheetos. And because of the restrictions, we ended up having to check one of our bags, anyway, so could have taken our own too-big sunscreen with us afterall.
*It seems the Jamaican culture, or at least the people working at this resort - I don't want to generalize - feel that it is completely appropriate to yell "Hey, Baby Mama!", call you "Sexy Mama", and tell you that if you enjoy their drinks, your baby will love them more than its daddy. In Canada, we call this "sexual harassment". But you're on vacation! So, chill. And if you're pregnant, accept the fact that you can't do anything to conceal your extreme sexiness anyway :P
*I was concerned that we might be bored, because of my pregnancy-restrictions, like not being able to go on white water rafting excursions or on zipline tours. We were not. Lounging on the beach, a little kayaking, a snorkeling attempt, lots of eating kept us pleasantly occupied :) AND, there are some tours that are actually mandatory for pregnant women! (See photo and syntax error below - the English snob in me was on high alert this whole trip - grammatical errors abounded!)
Of course, the downside to taking any trip to a beautiful and tropical locale is your inevitable return to reality - and the wicked cold (that turned into a sinus infection for me), you will undoubtedly get, especially when pregnant, and your immune system is compromised :( But still: LOVED the Babymoon, love my Baby Daddy, and also .loved returning to my little guy at home. I highly recommend you try to take at least a mini-trip if you are pregnant and in your second trimester - or, actually, at any time, for any reason ;) Enjoy!
The first is that a vacation is good anytime....but you're more likely to get your way when you're pregnant, and when you can say "it's for the baby". If your Baby Daddy (husband, whatever...) tries to object, just complain about the physical symptoms you've been experiencing - first the nausea, the fatigue, the hormones, the back pain, and the physical toll growing a human is taking on you. Then, start to cry. Tell him you are concerned that the stress you've been under might in some way affect your fetus, so going away is really for the baby. And if he still says no, perhaps he should only ever be your Baby Daddy, and not someone you want to spend your life with, long-term. Same goes for if, when you manage to get away, he does not carry all of your bags and do everything for you. Oh, if you are not married, you can also use the tactic of threatening to give the baby your last name, not his. Just a suggestion ;) But seriously, I was starting to feel really heavy, and was body-sore at the end of each day. I'd been congested for the entire pregnancy. And I was getting fat. Going somewhere warm, if only for a few days, let me get rested and feel better, totally cleared up my congestion (that warm, humid air will do that for you), and how did it help the fatness? Well, any respectable Mommi should know that the quickest way to appear more toned and to minimize cellulite is to get a tan! (If you didn't know that, I'm surprised you enjoy my blog. But it's a good time you found me when you did - keep reading and I will attempt to dramatically improve your life.) Of course, I don't mean a REAL tan - at least not on your face - that would be unhealthy and could increase any melasma you might develop in your pregnancy :S I recommend getting an airbrushed tan before you leave, with an organic sugar-based solution, then wearing crazy sunscreen and a big hat the whole time you are away.
I'm using this as a second reason, but I suppose it relates to the first, in that it increases your overall sense of well-being: it's great to travel in the second trimester because, in the first you were too sick and tired, and in the third, you will once again be tired (but this time it will be because you are humongous) - and also, you're not supposed to fly that late in pregnancy, simply because planes take you too far away to get to your planned hospital, or wherever you plan to give birth, should you experience early labour. But in the second trimester, you should feel pretty good, and not be too fat. Granted, you will have quite a belly on you...but here is the thing: people expect you to have a belly - you're PREGNANT - and your belly will be hard and firm - it's impossible to get rolls! Seriously! You can sit anyway you like, without worrying, instead of making sure you are always leaning back on your elbows, so that belly fat rolls around to the back, and keeping your legs slightly bent, so that your thighs don't press against anything and look bigger. Actually, I take the last part back: I still recommend that legs slightly bent position - you're not carrying that baby in your thighs, afterall, are you? (Once again, if you did not know that that is the proper looking-good-in-a-bikini position, I am surprised you're still reading - but it's not too late! You can start practicing now.) And for many of us Mommis, the second trimester is one of the best boob times in your life. Work it.
A lot of the above, I have written tongue-in-cheek, but this part is actually important: I call a pregnancy vacation a Babymoon (I didn't invent the term, unfortunately), because it is one of the last opportunities you and the Daddi will have to spend quality time together, just the two of you, for quite some time. Once that baby gets there, life as you know it will be over. Second-timers like myself already know this, and yes, there are certainly ways to make sure you get a little grown-up time to yourselves post-baby...but getting away sure gets a heck of a lot trickier with a youngin' - or two - or more. It was hard being away from my little terrorist, so we only went for four days (also due to totally annoying factors like WORK COMMITMENTS and MONEY), and I had my mom get Avery on the phone for me several times, and text me daily updates so I'd know he was okay. But it was four days where the two of us could just relax, do whatever we wanted to (well, sort of: the area code rule does not exempt pregnant women from the usual restrictions like not drinking or smoking native herbs, I am sad to report), and really connect and enjoy one another's company. It was definitely good for our relationship, which will be a helpful boost when the baby comes, and our relationship is tested in terrible ways it has never been before. Veteran Mommis know what I'm talking about! Newbies...your day of reckoning is coming.
Our trip was great. We flew with WestJet out of Toronto, and stayed at the Iberostar Rose Hall Beach Report in Montego Bay, Jamaica. We chose Jamaica because of the climate at this time of year (Bahamas and Cuba would have been too iffy), the food and water safety (getting sick would be terrible - getting sick while pregnant would be worse, and dangerous to the fetus), and the decreased likelihood of getting murdered or having my baby cut out of my to be sold on the black market. Because I'm pregnant (and grandma-like), nightlife and excursions were not of great importance, while a great beach and pool area was. This resort really fit the bill.
Few notes:
*WestJet has more restrictions on flights to Montego Bay than any other route, for some reason. We had packed our things in just two carry-ons, hoping to avoid checking our luggage and potentially losing it (and wait times to claim it at the airport - we only had four days, afterall!), so had respected the rules about not taking liquids or aerosols of more than 100mL with us. We didn't bring sunscreen. Seems dumb, but this wasn't a stupid omission; it was a conscious decision - we would just buy some there. And we did...but we did not realize that the cheapest sunscreen available at the resort would cost $24 USD (or $1824, if you use crazy Jamaican currency)! And that was for some brand I had never heard of, and barely lasted us the trip - the usuals like Coppertone and stuff were upwards of $30. They also charged more for a higher SPF! And $8 for a bag of Cheetos. And because of the restrictions, we ended up having to check one of our bags, anyway, so could have taken our own too-big sunscreen with us afterall.
*It seems the Jamaican culture, or at least the people working at this resort - I don't want to generalize - feel that it is completely appropriate to yell "Hey, Baby Mama!", call you "Sexy Mama", and tell you that if you enjoy their drinks, your baby will love them more than its daddy. In Canada, we call this "sexual harassment". But you're on vacation! So, chill. And if you're pregnant, accept the fact that you can't do anything to conceal your extreme sexiness anyway :P
*I was concerned that we might be bored, because of my pregnancy-restrictions, like not being able to go on white water rafting excursions or on zipline tours. We were not. Lounging on the beach, a little kayaking, a snorkeling attempt, lots of eating kept us pleasantly occupied :) AND, there are some tours that are actually mandatory for pregnant women! (See photo and syntax error below - the English snob in me was on high alert this whole trip - grammatical errors abounded!)
Of course, the downside to taking any trip to a beautiful and tropical locale is your inevitable return to reality - and the wicked cold (that turned into a sinus infection for me), you will undoubtedly get, especially when pregnant, and your immune system is compromised :( But still: LOVED the Babymoon, love my Baby Daddy, and also .loved returning to my little guy at home. I highly recommend you try to take at least a mini-trip if you are pregnant and in your second trimester - or, actually, at any time, for any reason ;) Enjoy!
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