
Today's post(s) may contain graphic (some might say "intimate") descriptions of events (and anatomy), and may not be suitable for all readers. Some things, once known, cannot be un-known ;P

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Tuesday, 6 September 2011

I Love You

Not much of a post, but one of the main reasons I wanted to start this blog was to have a running account of my sons's milestones...  So, this is to record September 3rd, 2011 as the first time my son ever told me he loved me, unprompted :D  We were at the cottage, I was kneeling on the floor for something, and he said "Mama hug!" and ran up to hug me.  And with his little, curly head tucked next to my ear, and his pudgy little arms wrapped around my neck, he said "Luff you" <3 <3 <3

The little monster has some great timing, too, because this was also the morning he broke his 5:30am waking streak, slept till 7:08am, and woke up a different baby: he was cheerful and angelica, all smiles and sunshine.  The day before was another story: he was the most miserable baby in the world and, while my love for him never faltered, my patience and sanity sure were!

"Luff you" is definitely the sweetest thing he's ever said, but he's got a long list of hilarious things!  THOSE, however, I'll save for another post ;)

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