Well, I was 12 weeks yesterday, and have already gone public in other areas of my life, so I figured it's about time I share the news with my fabulous followers...I'm expecting a second child in May! :D
I still have a number of posts I want to share with regard to my first baby experience (ongoing), but felt there's no netter time to document the reality of pregnancy than while it's happening! I expect this to be a very different experience, simply because I have a very supportive partner in this with me this time, and also because I'm not totally new to the game ;) So, here's what's happening..!
Justin and I decided we wanted to expand our family in August. We had talked about it for a while, and decided that other aspects in our life were finally falling into place, making it "the right time". Ideally, I would have liked a September-November or February-March baby - but the latter would just have required waiting too long! So, I was hoping for a Decemberish conception. Given that conceiving my first child took some time, and the assistance of Clomid, we decided I would go off The Pill right away, and we'd just "see how things went" for a while, getting more serious (medical intervention) in the late Fall. I took my last Pill on August 12th, started my period on August 15th (sorry, guys, but this is pertinent info), and expected my next on to start September 12th or thereabouts (given that I generally have a much longer and somewhat unpredictable cycle when it's not being regulated by The Pill).
A friend had given me a book called Take Charge of Your Fertility, and I had every intention of reading it...really, I did...but said friend is really very knowledgeable, and gave me a Coles Notes version of how to read my vaginal mucous :S I looked at it (the mucous). Whenever it made an appearance. But I can't say I was serious enough at that point to actually go in after it or make recordings or anything. Still, apparently, I was looking for "egg whites", and I was pretty sure I got some! So, we DID IT. A lot. Well, not too much (didn't want to use it all up at once, know what I mean?) - but once a day, everyday - even when we didn't particularly want to, for a 2-week range when I thought I might be ovulating, coincidentally, over Labour Day weekend at the cottage ;) Oh, and I inverted and elevated my abdomen with a pillow and my feet propped up on the headboard for a few minutes after each time, just to be safe! I had read (and been made fun of by friends) that that actually has no benefit, but who cares? I did it the first time, and it worked...
On September 10th - 2 days before my expected period, I couldn't bear the suspense and decided to take a pregnancy test early. IT WAS POSITIVE! :D Just like that! I had taken the test at night, but it was a 2-pack, so I took the second test with "fresh morning urine" (Man, the business of baby-making is just rife with grossness, isn't it?), and it was also positive :D I told Justin and we were both thrilled. I was teary. There was hugging. And then I sent out a photo of my positive test to a few select friends :) We agreed not to go public with the news for some time, but come on...a girl has to tell a few.
What a difference from my first conception experience! I guess it's true that, after childbirth, everything about you changes - your hormones get completely reset.
And so, the adventure continues. I plan to share all the lurid details of this pregnancy, but as is common in the first trimester, I'm really quite tired, so that's all I can manage for now ;) Oh, I lied - of course I have the energy to include a scan of our first ultrasound (9 weeks, 5 days)... <3
Any mommis care to share second (or more) pregnancy tales? Was it completely different than your first experience? In what ways? What do you think is the "ideal" gap in age between children (or do you think one is enough?)? What's your idea of the perfect birth-month?
My 2nd baby is going to be 4 months old next week. She is the success, as is my son, of IVF. Sadly, this pregnancy was one of the most tumultuous times in my life emotionally - nevermind that I was perpetually ill from pregnancy nausea to the worst case of rib-cracking bronchitis ever. (Check out http://marryingjerrymaguire.blogspot.com for more)
ReplyDeleteMy daughter was 16 days early. When my water broke as I was making my bed at 830am, I didn't feel ready on numerous levels... Particularly emotionally. But, this baby was coming regardless.
Withint 30 minutes, my contractions were 3 minutes apart and the urge to push had already started. My good friend was on her way to take me to the hospital - I texted her to please hurry. We got to the hospital at 9:45 and waited for the midwife (who arrived at 10). By about 10:30, I had to move from triage to L & D... My contractions were pretty strong at this point and the idea of walking even 60 ft down the hall was akin to running a marathon with no shoes.
My beautiful daughter was born at 11:26... Yep, that fast.
My biggest recommendation - is to go without the epidural. Seriously. Don't get me wrong, I asked for it - twice even - but I was more than 9cm dilated at that point anyway so ot wasn't happening. I only pushed for 10 minutes. With my son, it was nearly two hours. The recovery with him was so long... With my 2nd labour, I was good as new by 6 wks. So Supermommi, no epidural for you.
My next big recommendation is to seek a midwife. The care is exclusive and patient-centered... It is all about you and your baby, not anyone else's. And, your midwife is the one who will be with you at delivery time - unlike an OB wherein your chances of him/her being at the delivery is slim. Please don't misinterpret - OBs are amazing and for complicated pregnancies, that's who you want because you need that extra medical expertise. But for straightforward pregnancies - a midwife is a wonderful option. Given the emotional turmoil I was going through, it helped to have a midwife... I would not have been as well taken care of by the OB I had with my son - she was just too busy and I saw her mere minutes at a time. I had a half hour with my midwife at every appointment.
Perfect delivery month? March. (Mid-July conception)
Age gap? More than 2 1/2 years or 18 months or less. At 2 years, a child goes through the "testing" phase. This is when discipline becomes important... Look at it this way, a new baby arrives and all of a sudden your toddler is getting in trouble? How confusing for him/ her. I had my daughter when my son was 2 and 4 months... I think the adjustment has been really hard for him. I realize it would be hard anyway, but maybe it would have been easier if he was a bit older.
Anyway... Good luck Supermommi - it's definitely a challenge with two children, but with new and loving support, it will be so much better this time around. ;)
Thanks, Anonymous, for sharing your experienceand advice! I will be using a midwife again, and I will likely also NOT be having an epidural :S ...but that will be detailed in it's own post! ;) Love your blog and am anxiously awaiting your next post!
ReplyDeleteVery exciting! Definitely agree with the tips on midwife and epidural! And of course as a supermommi of 3, I'm practically an expert! Lol. I can't say my 2 girls were planned however. 10 months of tryingto conceive my son and then "oh wow, we're pregnant" with the 2nd (20 mths age gap) and then "holy sh*t, we've done it again" with the 3rd (15 mths gap). It's busy. It's crazy. I'm tired often and a lot! But it's so worth it! Diapers, sore boobs, sleepless nights and potty-training are all a blur for me now! Enjoy each moment! It flies by!
ReplyDeleteCakes by Campy - Thanks! :D Man, I don't know how you manage 3 - particularly how you survived 3 little ones so close together! But it appear that you did it, and did it well ;)