This post is actually the result of a request! My very first request! Of course, said request was made via facebook, and not a comment on the blog...why do so few people comment ON the blog?? I get lots of feedback via private message and facebook, but can't seem to crack you guys into commenting HERE... Such a mystery! But anyway, I am happy for feedback through any medium, and was excited about this request. A friend said she was waiting for a post on potty training, as she was stumped on the issue with her own son, of a similar age.
Well...I am certainly no authority on the subject - but then again, I'm no authority on any of the subjects I write about here, so no matter ;) When people ask me if my son is potty trained, I give them a percentage: he's about 80% potty trained. We are potty trainING.
Here is what little advice I can offer:
My son is almost always naked. We started "Naked Time" when he was about a year, because that's when he got the uric acid burns from SOMEONE leaving him in a wet diaper for far too long. I treated his sore bum with warm baking soda baths, followed by lots of air time, so that the area was clean and dry before another diaper went on. I think that leaving him naked so much of the time taught him a bit of control. He rarely peed on the floor - and even less frequently POOed on the floor! He knows that peepee does not go on the floor.
After he'd been naked for a while, I'd know he hadn't peed for at least that long, either, so I started strategically putting him on his potty (we chose a small, white and green, potty slash stepstool model to start with) when I knew there was the best chance he'd have to go. This went on for months, with no success. But I figured, just getting him to feel comfortable on the potty was a step in the right direction, so we read books and ate Cheerios while sitting there.
I planned to not make a big deal if he didn't go, but throw a big celebration if ever he did. And it finally happened! After months of trying, he finally let a few drops of pee out into the potty while my mom was watching him! She held the celebration, and saved the pee in said potty for me to gush over later (no pun intended). I was sure that once he had gone the first time, it would come easier after that.
Nope! Several more months when by without a repeat performance. But finally, it happened again. I had been spending 20 minutes at a time, entertaining him while he sat on the potty, waiting for pee, and what I learned was that it's more about timing than the amount of time spent on the potty. If he doesn't go right away, it's not going to happen. If he has to go, he'll pee as soon as he sits down. This revelation saved us lots of time and frustration.
And after that, he did start peeing almost every time I put him on the potty. I was giving him a chocolate rosebud as a reward each time this happened, but this led to others issues :s He started wanting to "try" to pee all the time, but it was only to get the treat. If I denied him said treat, a big rage attack would ensue (this was also right around the time his classic Terrible Two tantrums began anyway), and I started to wonder if the caffeine from the chocolate was causing them. It probably wasn't, but I'm like that, so I switched to organic yogourt-covered raisins instead :) Problem solved! Coincidence? I don't know.
As a next step, we have dabbled a bit with going without a diaper, and I just ask the little guy if he needs to go peepee on the potty every 10 minutes or so, and remind him: "Remember you have no diapey on, so you have to tell Mommi when you have to pee". For the most part, it has been successful, and when diaperless, he will even tell me when he has to pee, and then off we go to the potty :D
But we are also stumped on two points.
The first is just consistency. I am not home with him every hour of every day, and at daycare, he wears a diaper. They put him on the potty every 2 hours when they change his diaper, but if he doesn't go in the 30 seconds they allot, then he doesn't go at all. So far, he has gone peepee on the potty at daycare exactly twice in 4 months. There is a lack of consistency when he goes to his dad's, as well. Last time I asked Daddi, he told me he has not used the potty at his house. I asked if he even tried, and that ended any sort of honest communication we may have been capable of :s So now, I don't ask, and consequently, don't know if he's bothering to try to get our son to use the potty there or not. This is obviously problematic, but if we had been able to respectfully communicate and see eye to eye on what's best for our son in the first place, we might still be married!
So, I've been waiting for the "right time" to provide the little guy with some of the missing diaperless consistency, and I think I'll get my chance over Christmas holidays. I'll be home with Avery for almost 2 weeks straight, and plan to just not put a diaper on him, and ask him constantly if he needs to go peepee for the duration of those 2 weeks. With 2 exceptions, but I'll get there in a minute. After Christmas break, I'll start sending him to daycare with only one diaper for naptime, and about 6 changes of clothes in case of accidents :)
The other point I'm stumped on is my son's absolute refusal to poopoo on the potty. Or at daycare. He just won't do it; he holds it in! He will say, "Uh oh! Poopoo! Diapey on, Mama!" And I ask him why don't we try to do a poopoo on the potty, but he either says no, or we try, but nothing happens. He tries! He knows how to "push" and will TOOT on the potty...but no poopoo. If not given a diapered opportunity to poop, he will hold it in for days at a time, and I know that can't be good. My ex-nephew got a distended bowel from holding in his poop!
Oddly, he has no aversion to pooping in many public places. There is a clothing store by our cottage that we would visit every day, every time without fail, Avery would hide behind a rack of clothing and tell us he was "not poopin'". That's how we know he is, in fact, pooping. Once we stopped at a convenience store on a road trip, and he held an entire aisle hostage, yelling "NOT POOPIN"" if anyone tried to go down that aisle. He likes to poop in closets, and once used the one in a model home, announcing to me, but also to another family going through, "Avewy (he struggles with Rs) do a big MAN poopoo, Mama!" We often find him behind the couch or behind the curtains in the living room, "not poopin'". And if the ideal spot doesn't pressent itself, he's not opposed to simply stopping in the middle of a public place, covering his face, and going to town - not poopin', of course. As parents, we are supposed to teach our children, but there are a number of behaviours we pick up from them, as well, and Justin now frequently tells me when he is not farting... :s
But getting back on track, my revised plan is to has him go diaperless all day, but give him an opportunity to poop in a diaper after dinner, before bedtime. The other exception is nighttime. I will still put him in a diaper at bedtime - mostly because I am such a sleep Nazi, I don't want to start getting up in the night for potty trips! Selfish, I know, but furthermore, my son does not yet wake up when he has to pee, nor does he stay dry all night, so I kind of think it might be too soon to try nighttime potty training anyway.
I'm not really sure how I'll get him to start going poopoo in the potty :s But I sort of feel like, just like the peepeeing, it will just happen one day. He's only 2 years and 5 months, and I'm told boys often take longer to become fully potty trained...sigh. ;)
What do you other Mommis think? I'd love any advice you might be able to offer, as well as to hear your own potty training tales!
That sounds like a great strategy Ashley. Before you know it, you'll be saying to yourself that you don't even remember putting diapers on him!
ReplyDeleteI hear that girls tend to be a little easier to potty train, but we were super lucky with Norelle, and she basically did it all herself! I found that still after the first week of her being completely trained, she still didn't like to poop on her potty.
I tried her on the big toilet with the little seat on it, and viola, Plop Plop Plop! I think it was the noise that helped. She was excited to hear herself pee and poop, and I think it made her understand why we were so excited that she was going!
Maybe that same technique will work with Avery!?
OK, here I go. I've actually tried to comment on your blog before but I've just never been able to figure it out. And I'm kinda afraid to get graded on my grammer which I know can be poor...
ReplyDeleteIt the same boat I guess! I would say you are a little farther along, but I guess Avery is a little older. I've let my son run around not naked, but just in big boy underpants. I try and watch so hard, but i just go to get a drink or pull or meat for supper and I hear from the living room "uh oh! Pee pee momma!!" Sure enough there is the puddle on the floor. We have gotten a few pee pees on the potty after bath time (mostly cause he drinks so much bath water. Which yes I know is DISGUSTING. But have you ever tried to stop a two year old from drinking his bathwater? Near impossible. He has had one pee at daycare. So I have the same consistancy problem. I work, he is at daycare and we just don't get a lot of time to do it. when we are togeather, we have to run to the store, or just be out. So maybe I will do the same thing at christmas. I only have 5 days, and that includes xmas day and probably a day at my inlaws where he can't really go bottomless.
I'm not even thinking about poopoo yet!!!!
Norelle & Co. - That's funny about the sound :) We do, now, have the little seat that fits on a regular toilet, and he is comfortable using it for pees, but one thing that might present a problem is that he would get no nice "plop" sound...because his poops are still generally explosions of mush! :S But one day... :)
ReplyDeleteDanielle - I added a bit more to the original post about poo - kinda funny. And just so you know you're not alone, Avery also drinks his bathwater :S
ReplyDeleteI don't have any kids, but I regularly laugh at your awesome stories and particularly like the "not poopin" :o)
ReplyDeleteI've been meaning to comment on this post because it is timely for me. I was finding in the last couple of months that Danielle would pee basically as soon as she got in her bath in the evening. So last week I started putting her on the toilet before bath the time you posted this, with no success. Now I'm happy to say that she's peed on the toilet 2 nights in a row. Lots of cheering ensued. Now she's only 14 months old (almost 15) so I definitely don't want to pressure her and I know she's not ready yet but I figured there would be no harm in starting to get her used to the toilet (a friend of ours gave us their "used" toilet seat to go on the toilet).
ReplyDeleteSo reading your blog, I had a talk about how it is more about timing then how long they sit on the potty. What would you consider the best timing to put them on the toilet, in your experience (even though it had only been a week, I was starting to despair)?
And I just thought of another - since we have the seat, is it worth getting a potty? I think I will anyways but just asking...
Karen - Thanks! :) "Not poopin'" always makes me laugh, too. Sometimes I just have to glance in his directon while he's "not poopin'", and he starts shaking his head, going "No! noo!" Crazy kid ;)
ReplyDeleteChristine - That's great that she's starting! I agree that there's no harm in getting her used to using the potty sometimes, as long as there's no pressure to do so. Hmm, as for the timing, I base it on how long I know Avery's gone without going pee - for that, they need to be naked. So why don't you try it every time you change her diaper anyway? Remove dirty diaper and do whatever you do, but then leave her naked for a bit (or I guess she could have clothes on, just not a diaper), and put her on the potty after a while to see what happens! I try every half or or so with Avery, but he's older, so you might want to start in shorter increments, like 15 minutes maybe. Also, I found that books and things were distracting for Avery, and he needed to actually focus on the task of peeing, so I tell him to "watch the peepee", and that seems to help :) Sometimes I count "1...2...3...pee!" and that works, too ;) Good luck!
ReplyDeleteUm you started naked time with him beforea year! And by 'time' you really are referring to anytime he is home. ;)
ReplyDeleteFalco - Okay...that's true :) I have always felt babies are best loved naked! But Naked Time became MORE prevalent and had a greater purpose around a year, when the diaper rash became problematic. And by "time", I do mean any time we are at home...OR at YOUR house :P Remember when he pooped on your deck??? HAHAHAHA!
ReplyDeleteHey Ashley!! I totally fell off this blog but I'm back! So glad you're still at it, and congrats on baby number 2!!
ReplyDeleteI also just started playing around with puttin yemayah on the potty when I know she is going (rippin off her diaper when she starts pushing and grunting and puttin her on the potty). I have not been committed...she just turned one, so maybe she is too young? I'm sure I'll have more questions as this progresses, but most people I know did the same thing as you, just keeping them naked all the time.
Leandra - Yep, I'm still going - just slowly recently, because I've been pretty busy with stuff that actually pays me :P I'd rather put out infrequent, but quality posts than frequent, but brief and pointless ones, ya know? Thanks for still reading! And yes, I'd think that 1 is a bit young to put any sort of potty PRESSURE on, but as long as it's stress-free, then why not?