
Today's post(s) may contain graphic (some might say "intimate") descriptions of events (and anatomy), and may not be suitable for all readers. Some things, once known, cannot be un-known ;P

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Wednesday 20 April 2011


I've been thinking and casually talking about starting a blog for over a year now...  Today, another mom-friend of mine made her status on facebook that she had "started writing", and her ambition reminded me that I had a bit of my own. 

I am not your traditional Supermom by any means - motherhood did not come as naturally to me as I imagined it would.  I hated the first few months of motherhood, and often felt as though I wouldn't survive (looking back, this may have been due to undiagnosed Post-Partum Depression - but more on that later) - and these feelings made me think there must be something wrong with me, I must not be a good mother.  But what I have realized is that I'm pretty great!  I just took a different path and had some challenges to overcome that many women don't.  In my early-motherhood desperation, however, I endlessly combed websites, message boards, chatrooms, etcetera - looking for someone - ANYONE - who felt like I did!  And I was largely unsuccessful. 

But I know there are others like me, and so I feel that there is a need for something like what I want this blog to become: a blog about mommihood, for mommies for whom mommihood did not come naturally.

Le voila.

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