
Today's post(s) may contain graphic (some might say "intimate") descriptions of events (and anatomy), and may not be suitable for all readers. Some things, once known, cannot be un-known ;P

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Monday 16 May 2011

Belly Dancing

This one comes out of order, but I forgot about a couple clips I wanted to share!  My general stance is that I'm not going to post photos or videos of myself or Avery...but these ones don't show face or identifiable details, so I think we're okay ;)

Mommies experience the exciting first flutter of baby movement at varying points in their pregnancies, but it is always exciting, and also reassuring, because you know for sure something's in there, and it feels healthy :)  I had a hard time letting others feel the baby kicking, because I'd burst into laughter anytime anyone put their hand on me - nervous reaction or something, I don't know.  But later in my pregnancy, I was able to do some party tricks, like putting a Cheeto on my belly and having the baby kick it off :D  Gawd, I was popular... :P

This first video just shows some general moving around (and me, looking absolutely massive at 34 weeks) - this is the cute kind every mommi likes:

And THIS ONE shows the cool, but slightly terrifying, and kind of painful kind :s  Avery was head-up until about 35 weeks, and I took this video right after he did his somersault - which, by the way, was excruciating!  I seriously felt like he might break my ribs while he did it.  But here he is, head down, shifting his butt from side to side, trying to get comfortable, I guess.  Wait for it...

Aww, even though it hurt, my belly feels a bit hollow and longing as I watch these :)